Coloring the Horizon

Published 10/30/2010

dev wp7

Hi All,

Figured I should start somewhere with this.  Have a back log of things I want to talk about that I've discovered during the development of my two Windows Phone 7 (WP7) games.  But I can sort through those slowly.  For now, I can talk about current things.  I love colors, so I figured I'd just start with a quick and dirty list of the different theme accent colors:

Color Hex Code
Blue FF1BA1E2
Brown FFA05000
Green FF339933
Lime FF8CBF26
Magenta FFFF0097
Orange FFF09609
Pink FFE671B8
Purple FFA200FF
Red FFE51400
Teal FF00ABA9

Now, you shouldn't be using these directly as there's a resource for the currently active one: {StaticResource PhoneAccentColor}, but if you wanted to use a palette in your game that used the other theme colors for potential flavor; they're not really listed anywhere that I found.

Anyway, I'm doing some experiments in multi-touch.  So, I'll post a bit more about doing some stuff with that later.

And for the curious both The Eye and Suitor 2 were made for Silverlight using Blend 4 and VS2010 and are both ready in the Marketplace for the US launch!  Find out more about the games themselves in the Marketplace or at


- 04/09/2011:

Realized it might be useful to mention how to do this from the code behind. As mentioned on the MSDN page:

Color backgroundColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["PhoneBackgroundColor"];